Construction process:
The construction process will differ from build to build but will always be expertly managed by our experienced team.
The construction process is always tailored to your specific needs as every residential build is unique. It usually starts with the planning stage which results in preliminary plans being drawn up and a rough estimate provided as a guide to cost.
Subsequent design and consultancy stages result in final plans and an official estimate of price. When selecting fixtures and fittings for your dream home a consultant is always available to help you make the right choices.
Once the contract is signed the excitement of construction commences and you can watch on internet as your home takes shape.
We always use the best of our machinery, raw materials, building supplies and landscaping businesses partners or associates thus we can offer a full range of knowledge and capability throughout the build. Control over all these elements of the build ensures efficiency and results in the highest quality residence.
If you have a plan or even a sketch of your dream house in Costa Rica, please do not hesitate to contact us or ask us for an estimation on your Construction project